
The McDonald's History - 1956 to 1963

Ray Kroc At Work

"If you've got time to lean, you've got time to clean," Ray Kroc preached to his troops. Heeding his own words, here the Chairman of the Board cleans the parking lot of the first McDonald's franchise in Des Plaines, Illinois.

Ronald McDonald, In Any Language He Means "Fun!"

"The smile known around the world," In his first TV appearance in 1963 the happy clown was portrayed by none other than Willard Scott. Check out McDonaldland for more Ronald McDonald information and fun.

Fred Turner And Ray Kroc, Architects Of A Dream

Here Ray Kroc (right) and Fred Turner study the design which would replace the red and white tile buildings that had become landmarks throughout the U.S. Called Kroc's first "grill man extraordinaire," Turner is today Senior Chairman of the Board.
